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My Approach

Aims of the Counselling


The main aim of the counselling is to provide you the client with an opportunity to explore personal and relational issues in safety and in confidence.  The role of Cair Counselling Service is to help you through this process without judgement or telling you what to do.  If at any time your counsellor feels that they can no longer help you, they may offer to refer you to someone who can.




Confidentiality is an important aspect of the counselling relationship: everything that is discussed in the counselling session is kept in the strictest confidence.


As an organisational member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy each Cair Counselling Service counsellor is required to have regular supervision and will need to discuss their work with their own supervisor on a regular basis.  The counsellor will never disclose your name or anything that would enable you to be identified.


Exceptions to Confidentiality


Cair Counselling Service must pass any information to the relevant authorities in cases where human safety is concerned including the following cases:


  • If you threaten to harm yourself or someone else

  • If we believe a child or a protected adult is at risk of harm or abuse

  • If the courts instruct us to give information

  • If you share information about a proposed act of terrorism or other illegal acts. 


If Cair Counselling Service feels that that either you or someone else is in danger or at a risk of harm we would first endeavour to discuss with you our decision of breaking the confidentiality.  However, we retain the right to break confidentiality without prior consultation with you should we consider the urgency of the situation requires us to act immediately to safeguard the physical safety of yourself or others.



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